
The Guinea baboon

Papio papio

The Guinea baboon, Papio papio, is a primate from the Cercopithedicae family and lives in the African savanna. It spends most of its time on the ground. It can travel up to 8 km on four legs and only climbs up tall trees to sleep.

Distinctive features

The Guinea baboon is the smallest of the five known baboon species. Like its cousins, the swelling of its ano-genital area, which varies in colour from red to purple depending on the species, indicates monthly ovulation in females.


The grooming of young and adult animals has an essential function within a group, not only for reasons of hygiene (as they rid themselves of parasites) but also to ease tension and strengthen the cohesion of the clan. Researchers have shown that these grooming sessions stimulate the production of endorphins, which provide a feeling of well-being.

Babouin de Guinée sur un rocher.

Babouins de Guinée

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
Gros plan sur la tête d'Uyuni, la femelle babouin de Guinée.

Uyuni, la femelle babouin de Guinée (Papio papio)

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin

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